Military Disability Made Easy

Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program Now Available Through Telehealth

The VA announced last week that its Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) services are now available through VA Telehealth Services. VR&E is the latest service to be added to the VA’s Telehealth program. 
This new service makes it possible for veterans to meet with Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors (VRCs) anywhere in the country, regardless of where the veteran and VRC are located, thus reducing or removing travel costs, time, and stress for both veterans and VRCs, as well as improving access to VR&E services for veterans. 
Veterans do not need any specialized equipment. Any device with a webcam and microphone will do. Veterans download the VA Video Connect app, and when they log on, they will receive a specific link that is valid only for that scheduled counseling session. 
For more information about VA’s Telehealth services, please visit

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