Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC)

Receiving Money From Both the DoD and the VA
Combat Related Special Compensation
Applying for Combat Related Special Compensation
Appealing the CRSC Decision
Receiving Money From Both the DoD and the VA
Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC) is a benefit that allows veterans who qualify to receive benefit money from both the DoD and the VA (known as “dual compensation”).
Technically, dual compensation is not allowed. Military retirees can only receive monetary Military Disability Benefits from either the DoD or the VA, not both. So if a veteran receives money for VA Disability, that amount is subtracted from any money received from the DoD, whether for medical retirement or regular retirement.

Here’s the basic gist: If the DoD pays $500 a month and then the VA begins paying $500 a month, then the DoD would stop payments, and the veteran would only receive the $500 a month from the VA and nothing from the DoD (500 – 500 = 0). Likewise, if the DoD pays $500 a month and then the VA begins paying $300 a month, then the DoD would reduce their payments to $200 (500 – 300 = 200). The veteran would still only receive the total of $500 a month, but $300 would come from the VA and $200 from the DoD.
While this may not seem logical, there is a definite benefit to this system: Any money received from the VA is not taxable, while most DoD money is taxable. Taxable income is being replaced by non-taxable income.
There are, however, two laws that do allow dual compensation. The first is Combat Related Special Compensation, and the second is Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay (CRDP).
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Combat Related Special Compensation
Combat Related Special Compensation was passed by Congress in December, 2002.
Combat Related Special Compensation gives Disabled Veterans that qualify the opportunity to receive some, if not all, of their DoD retirement money that was subtracted by VA disability money. To qualify, you must:
- be officially “retired” from the military. This includes a 20-year retirement, a medical retirement (a disability rating of 30% or higher), retirements based on the Temporary Early Retirement Act (TERA), and Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL) retirees.
- have a 10% or higher VA Disability Rating
- have your DoD payments reduced by your VA payments
- submit an application
- provide documentary evidence that your injury was incurred in combat (qualifies for a Purple Heart) or in combat-related activities, like war simulation training (practice alerts, war games, live fire weapons practice, hand-to-hand combat training, etc.), hazardous duty (flying, parachuting, demolition duty, etc.), or caused by an instrumentality of war (a vehicle or device used in war, like Agent Orange or weapons).
For a condition to qualify for Combat Related Special Compensation, it does not have to qualify for DoD Disability, but it does have to qualify for VA Disability. This may seem a little backwards since the DoD is the one that gives CRSC, but remember that the DoD retirement amount was decreased by the conditions rated by the VA, so as long as the VA rates it, the DoD shouldn’t decrease their amount because of that condition.
If you have a condition that might qualify but you are not receiving VA Disability for it, you may be able to get it added by the VA. Either submit a new VA Disability Claim for it, or, if you have already done that, but it was denied, you can appeal the VA’s decision.
Good news: Combat Related Special Compensation payments are retroactive, so if you have qualified since 2008, but just now apply, you may be able to receive all the money you should have received every year since then. The farthest back retroactive payments will go is June 1, 2003, but there is a 6-year limit from the first date the VA awarded compensation for each of the conditions that qualify. If the veteran served less than 20 years in the military, then the farthest back retroactive payments will go is January 1, 2008.
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Applying for Combat Related Special Compensation
Combat Related Special Compensation in not automatic. In order to receive it, you must apply. You can submit an application if you have never submitted one before. If you have already applied, but then the VA added a new condition to your VA Disability that also qualifies, you can submit a new application for that condition.
It is vital that you submit the proper information along with your application. Make sure to include a copy of all medical records with proof of the seriousness of the medical conditions that are eligible. Also include copies of Purple Heart citations or other documents that prove the conditions were caused by combat or combat-related activities, retirement information (retirement orders and Retirement Form DD-214), and your VA rating decision. If you are a reservist, also include a copy of your 20-year letter or statement of service.
Combat Related Special Compensation is given by the DoD, so you have to submit DD Form 2860 to your military branch. Complete instructions are found on the application form. The form must be mailed to the appropriate military branch’s address noted on the form.
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Appealing the CRSC Decision
If you have already applied for CRSC, but disagree with the decision, you can request a reconsideration of the decision.
- For the Army, submit CRSC Form 12e.
- For the Navy and Marines, submit CRSC Reconsideration-Navy.
- For the Air Force—they always have to be different—you have to call them to get application instructions: 1-800-525-0102.
Make sure to include all supporting information in your application, including a letter explaining your situation and why you believe the decision should be changed, copies of all previous correspondence regarding your CRSC case, copies of VA rating decisions, and copies of any new evidence that is relevant to your case. Addresses and further instructions can be found on the forms.
Once the reconsideration is completed, if you still disagree with the decision, you can submit an appeal using DD Form 149. Submission instructions for each branch can be found on the form.
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What is Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC)?
CRSC is a regulation that gives veterans who qualify the ability to receive both their DoD retirement compensation and their VA disability compensation.
Do I qualify for Combat Related Special Compensation?
You qualify for Combat Related Special Compensation if your condition occurred in combat or combat-related activities, you are officially retired from the military, and have a 10% or higher rating from the VA.
Why don't I already receive my full DoD retirement and VA disability benefits?
Legally, the maximum a veteran is allowed to receive is their full military retirement. Since money that comes from the VA is not taxable, however, the government decided that if a veteran qualifies for VA disability compensation, then it would be better for the veteran to receive the money from the VA than the DoD. Thus, any money received from the VA is subtracted from DoD money unless the veteran qualifies for CRSC or CRDP.
Is CRSC the same as CRDP?
No. CRSC and CRDP are two different programs that ultimately do the same thing. The main difference is the requirements to qualify. CRSC is for combat injuries, while CRDP is for particular retirees with a 50% or higher rating from the VA.
Do I have to apply for Combat Related Special Compensation?
Yes. Unlike CRDP, you have to apply for Combat Related Special Compensation. To apply, submit DD Form 2860 along with documentation showing that you meet all the requirements.
I qualify for Combat Related Special Compensation. How much money will I get monthly?
You will receive all of the benefits you are currently receiving from the VA, and the DoD will start paying you the full retirement benefits for which you qualify.
What do I do if my Combat Related Special Compensation application is denied?
You can appeal to have your application reconsidered. Make sure that you give sufficient evidence to refute their reason for denial.
How long does Combat Related Special Compensation last?
At present, there are no plans to end the Combat Related Special Compensation program, so once you start receiving these benefits, you should continue receiving them throughout your life.