Analogous Codes and Equivalent Codes


Analogous Codes
Equivalent Codes
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Analogous Codes and Equivalent Codes

Analogous Codes and Equivalent Codes are used to rate conditions that are not found in the VASRD.

When a diagnosed condition is not in the VASRD at all, it is rated “analogously” with a condition that is in the VASRD. The condition in the VASRD must be as close as possible (or “analogous”) to the diagnosed condition. When choosing the analogous condition, the VA will look at the overall condition, the symptoms, and the treatments and choose the one that best covers the overall disability of the diagnosed condition.

For example, sinus headaches are not in the VASRD, only migraine headaches. If you have sinus headaches that are severe enough to be eligible for a rating, then they can be rated under the VASRD Code for migraine headaches, since that is the condition that most closely covers the disability caused by sinus headaches.

Equivalent codes are used when the condition actually is in the VASRD, just under a different name. If you try to Find Your Condition on this site, but it does not come up, this doesn’t mean that it isn’t in the VASRD. Often conditions have more than one name (sometimes three or four). This can get very confusing, so we’ve put together a list of equivalent codes on this page for the conditions that commonly go by other names.

It is impossible for us to cover every analogous code or equivalent code. If your condition is not listed here, feel free to Contact Us and let us know. We’re more than happy to expand these lists. If nothing else, we can help point you in the right direction.

Analogous Codes

Below is a list of the most common analogous codes. If you have one of the conditions on this list, it will most likely be rated on the code noted below. However, the Rating Authorities may choose to rate it under a different code if they feel that a different code better covers the disability caused by your condition. There aren’t any official rules stating that these codes must be chosen for these conditions. These are simply the most commonly used analogous codes for these conditions.

If your condition is not listed on this page, you may be able to figure out the analogous code on your own. Simply find the code that best describes your overall condition and the disability that it causes. All-Access Members, if you need help, feel free to ask our Disability Experts using the form at the bottom of the All-Access Members page.

When rating a condition on an analogous code, the final code will most commonly look like this: 8099-8003. This eight-digit code means that a condition is being rated analogously under code 8003. The first four-digits tells us that this condition is being rated analogously. The second four-digits is the analogous code. To determine the first four-digits, take the first two digits of the analogous code and add 99 to the end. 8003 = 80__, and add 99 = 8099. Then add the second code to it with a hyphen between: 8099-8003.

Sometimes the analogous code will look like this: 5201-5010. In this case, the condition is in the VASRD (injury to the shoulder, code 5201), but it doesn’t meet the requirements for a minimum rating under that code, so it is being rated as traumatic arthritis (code 5010).

On to the analogous codes. We’ve listed the most common analogous codes by condition alphabetically.

REMEMBER: These analogous codes are the most commonly used codes for these conditions, but they are not the only options for these conditions. The VA can choose a different analogous code if they feel it applies better in your case.

  • Achalasia is a condition that limits the esophagus’ ability to move food down to the stomach. It is rated under code 7204, Esophageal motility disorder.
  • Acromioclavicular separation (a.k.a. AC separation, separated shoulder) is an injury where the clavicle is separated from the scapula. It is rated under code 5201, limited motion of the shoulder. If it does not meet the requirements for a minimum rating under this code, it may instead be rated under code 5003, degenerative arthritis, or 5010, traumatic arthritis.
  • Aphasia is a condition of the brain where you are unable to understand and process language. If it is caused by an injury to the head, it is not rated analogously but is rated as a part of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) rating. If it is caused by an illness or other condition, it is rated under code 9326, neurocognitive disorder.
  • Aphonia is the inability to make vocal sounds. If it is caused by nerve damage, rate it under the affected nerve. These can be found on The Cranial Nerves page. If there is no definitive physical cause, but is instead caused by a mental disorder, it is rated under code 9424, conversion disorder.
  • Arnold-Chiari malformation syndrome is a condition where the brain is malformed, disrupting the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. It is rated under code 8003, benign brain growth.
  • Arteriovenous malformation is a condition where abnormal connections form between the arteries and veins. If it occurs in the vessels feeding the brain, it is rated under code 8009, hemorrhage of the brain vessels. If it affects other areas of the body, it is rated under code 7113, arteriovenous fistula.
  • Artery stenosis occurs when an artery narrows, causing low or blocked blood flow to various parts of the body. Its analogous code depends on the location of the narrowed artery. Vertebral artery stenosis, narrowing of the arteries in the neck, is rated under code 8008, thrombosis of the brain vessels. Renal artery stenosis, narrowing of the arteries of the kidneys, is rated under code 7534, atherosclerotic renal disease. For all other artery stenoses, rate them under the code that best describes the symptoms for the system it affects.
  • Aseptic meningitis is a type of meningitis infection around the brain. It is rated under code 8019, cerebrospinal meningitis.
  • Atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that causes scaly rashes. It is rated under code 7806, dermatitis.
  • Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is a condition where the flow of blood to the femoral bone is blocked, causing the bone to die. It is rated under code 5003, degenerative arthritis.
  • Behcet’s Syndrome is a condition that causes the blood vessels to become irritated and swell. Symptoms can involve the eyes, joints, mouth, skin, and reproductive organs. It is rated under the appropriate code for the symptoms. For example, if the main symptom is joint pain, it would be rated under code 5002, systemic arthritis.
  • Blepharospasm is a condition where the eye twitches uncontrollably. It is rated under code 8103, convulsive tic.
  • Carpal tunnel is a condition where the median nerve gets pinched as it passes through the wrist into the hand. It is rated under one of the codes for the median nerve.
  • Cataplexy is a condition where there are episodes of sudden loss of muscle control and strength, often leading to collapse. It is rated under code 8108, narcolepsy.
  • Cerebral aneurysm occurs when there is a weak spot in the wall of a blood vessel in the brain. This weak spot bulges out and pushes against the brain tissues. It can be rated under code 7112, small artery aneurysm.
  • Cerebellar degenerative disease is a disease that causes the neurons in the brain that control coordination and balance to die. It is rated under code 8014, meningovascular syphilis.
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is an inherited condition that affects the peripheral nerves. It is rated under code 8023, progressive muscular atrophy.
  • Chest pain that is not caused by another condition is rated under code 5321, muscles of respiration.
  • Chondromalacia patella occurs when the tissue below the kneecap is irritated and causes pain. It is rated under code 5014, osteomalacia.
  • Chronic renal failure (a.k.a. chronic kidney disease, chronic renal insufficiency) is a condition where the kidneys fail to properly filter waste from the blood. It is rated under code 7502, chronic nephritis.
  • Cluster headaches are severe pain in only one half of the head at a time. If it is caused by traumatic brain injury, it can be rated under code 8045, residuals of TBI. If it is not, it can be rated under code 8100, migraine headaches.
  • Colostomy is a surgical procedure that routes the end of the colon through the abdominal wall. It is rated under code 7329, colectomy.
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (a.k.a. reflex sympathetic dystrophy) is a nerve condition where severe pain, changes in skin color, and swelling occur. It can affect any area of the body, but is most commonly seen affecting the arms or legs. It is rated as neuralgia under the nerve that is most affected. Please see The Central Nervous System page and the corresponding linked nerve pages for all nerve ratings.
  • Any Connective tissue disease which mainly affects the joints and is not rated elsewhere can be rated under code 5002, systemic arthritis. If it affects the entire body, it is rated under code 6350, lupus.
  • A coronary artery stent is a tube that is surgically placed in the arteries of the heart to keep them from collapsing. It is rated under code 7017, coronary bypass surgery.
  • Costochondritis is chest pain caused by the inflammation of the tissues that line the ribs. This condition normally only lasts for a very short time and so is not ratable. If it is Chronic, however, it can be rated under code 5321, muscles of respiration.
  • Crohn’s disease (a.k.a. granulomatous colitis) is a condition that causes the bowels to become irritated and swell. It is rated under code 7326, inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Cubital tunnel is a condition where the ulnar nerve gets pinched as it passes through the elbow into the forearm. It is rated under the codes for the ulnar nerve.
  • Demyelinating disease is a condition of the nerves that disrupts their communication. It is rated under code 8018, multiple sclerosis.
  • Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition where the tissues beneath the skin of the palm of the hand thicken abnormally, causing the tissues to tighten and restrict the movement of the hand. It is rated under code 5223, the freezing of two fingers of one hand.
  • Dysarthria is a condition where speech is impossible because the nerve that controls the muscles used to speak is damaged. It is rated under code 8212, the hypoglossal nerve.
  • Dysmenorrhea is a female condition that causes severe pain during menstruation. It is rated under code 7613, diseases of the uterus.
  • Encephalopathy is a catch-all term for conditions of the brain. It is rated under whichever Brain Code best defines the condition. If the brain condition was caused by a traumatic injury but is not covered by a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) rating, it can be rated under code 9304, dementia due to head trauma.
  • Fatigue is usually a symptom of a disease and is seldom rated on its own. If it is not caused by another condition, it can be rated under code 6354, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Folliculitis is a skin condition where the hair follicles swell and produce a bumpy rash. It is rated under code 7806, dermatitis.
  • Fugue is a type of Dissociative Disorder. It is basically amnesia that lasts for only a few hours up to a few days but can occur repeatedly. It is rated under code 9416, dissociative amnesia.
  • A Ganglion cyst is a hard fluid-filled lump in the joints, most commonly the wrist. It is rated under code 5021, myositis.
  • Goodpasture’s Syndrome is a condition where the immune system attacks the kidneys and lungs. It is rated either under a code for the kidneys or a code for the lungs, whichever best describes the overall condition and its symptoms.
  • Graft-vs-Host disease is a condition that occurs after a tissue graft or transplant when the body rejects the new tissues. It is rated on whatever code best describes its main symptoms. So, if it was a kidney transplant, the most appropriate code would be a kidney code or a code that best describes the symptoms caused by kidney failure.
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a condition where the immune system attacks the nerves. It is rated under code 8011, poliomyelitis.
  • Headaches that are severe enough to rate can be rated under code 8100, migraine headaches. If the headaches are caused by a mental disorder, they are rated under code 9422, pain disorder.
  • Hemophilia is a condition where it takes a long time for the blood to clot. It is rated under code 7705, thrombocytopenia.
  • Herpes, although rarely severe enough to be given a rating, is rated under code 7820, unspecified skin infection, when ratable.
  • Hidradenitis is a condition that causes the sweat glands to swell. It is rated under code 7806, dermatitis.
  • Horner’s syndrome is an eye condition that causes the pupil to constrict and the eyelid to droop. It is rated under code 6019, ptosis.
  • Hypercoagulable state is a condition where the blood does not clot properly. It is rated under code 7121, post-phlebitic syndrome.
  • Hyperlipidemia is a condition where there are high levels of cholesterol in the blood. It usually doesn’t cause any symptoms, and is thus not ratable. If, however, it causes heart disease, it is rated under code 7005, arteriosclerotic heart disease.
  • Hypersomnia is a condition where you are excessively tired during the day. It is rated under code 8108, narcolepsy.
  • Hypogammaglobulinemia is a condition where there is a decrease in gamma globulins, which causes the body’s immune system to not function properly. It can cause a wide variety of symptoms and so is rated under the code that best covers the symptoms present. A common rating option is code 7702, agranulocytosis.
  • Hypogonadism is a condition where the testicles in men or ovaries in women do not produce enough testosterone or estrogen, respectively. This condition can only be rated if both testicles or both ovaries are completely non-functional. If the ovaries are non-functional, then it is rated under code 7620. If the testicles are non-functional, it is rated under code 7523.
  • Ileostomy is a surgical procedure that routes the end of the small intestine through the abdominal wall. It is rated under code 7329, colectomy.
  • Legg-Perthes Disease (a.k.a. Legg-Calve-Perthes Syndrome) is a condition of the hip where the hip joint becomes deformed either because of new bone growth or bone loss. It is rated under code 5003, degenerative arthritis.
  • Lymphedema is a condition where the lymph vessels that drain fluid from the tissues is blocked. It is rated under code 7121, post-phlebitic syndrome.
  • Meningeal adhesions are patches of scar tissue that develop around the brain after a head injury. They are rated under the Traumatic Brain Injury rating system. Through that rating system, it is then rated under code 8019.
  • Myofascial pain syndrome is a condition where pain is felt in one part of the body when pressure points are triggered in another, unrelated part. It is rated under code 5021, myositis.
  • Myofasciitis is a condition where muscle tissues are damaged. It is rated under code 5021, myositis.
  • Myotonic dystrophy is a progressive disease that affects numerous functions of the body. It is rated under code 8023, progressive muscular atrophy.
  • Necrotizing fasciitis (a.k.a. strep fasciitis) is commonly known as flesh-eating bacteria. It is a bacterial infection that breaks down tissue cells. After the infection is treated, it is then rated on any lasting symptoms.
  • Nephrotic syndrome is a condition where the kidneys are damaged. It is rated under code 7502, chronic nephritis.
  • Nyctalopia is a decrease in night vision. It is not ratable in and of itself. If there is also a decrease in normal vision, however, then that can be rated under the Visual Impairment Rating System.
  • Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease is a condition where the knob at the top of the tibia just below the knee swells. It is rated under code 5262, impairment of the tibia.
  • Osteochondritis dissecans is a condition where cracks appear in the tip of the bones in the joints and their surrounding cartilage. It is rated under code 5003, degenerative arthritis.
  • Pain disorder is a mental disorder where the person feels intense pain in numerous locations in the body without a physical medical cause. The pain is real and can be debilitating. It is rated under code 9422, other somatic symptoms.
  • Pancytopenia is a condition that interferes with the creation of red and white blood cells and platelets. It is rated under code 7702, agranulocytosis.
  • Parkinsonism is a nervous condition that causes tremors or difficulty moving various body parts. It is similar to Parkinson’s Disease, but it does not get worse over time. It is, however, still rated as Parkinson’s Disease, code 8004.
  • Patellofemoral Syndrome (a.k.a. retropatellar syndrome) is a generic term for conditions that cause pain in the center of the knee below the kneecap. If the specific condition is not listed in the VASRD, then it can be rated under code 5261, limited motion of the leg.
  • Pelvic adhesive disease is a condition most commonly found in females. It causes the reproductive organs to stick together. It is rated under the organ that is most affected. If the ovaries, it is rated under code 7615, conditions of the ovaries. If the uterus, it is rated under code 7618, removal of the uterus. If both, it is rated under code 7617, removal of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Pelvic fracture is a condition where the pelvic bone is broken. It is rated under code 5236, sacroiliac injury.
  • Pelvic pain in females is often caused by a dysfunction of some sort in the reproductive organs. When the exact cause is unknown, it is rated under code 7629, endometriosis.
  • Peyronie’s disease is a condition that causes a bend in an erect penis. It is rated under code 7522, deformity of the penis.
  • Pilonidal cyst is a cavity filled with hair that mostly occurs near the coccyx, but can occur other places as well. The cavity frequently gets infected and requires antibiotics or surgery. It is rated under code 7820, infections of the skin.
  • Pituitary Adenoma is a tumor that develops in the pituitary gland. It is rated under one of three possible codes. If it causes the pituitary gland to produce too many hormones, it is rated under code 7916, Hyperpituitarism. If it causes the pituitary gland to produce only too many ACTH hormones, it is rated under code 7907, Cushing’s Syndrome. If it does not cause the overproduction of hormones, then it is rated under code 7915, tumor of the Endocrine System.
  • Primary lateral sclerosis is a disease that causes serious muscle weakness that gets worse over time. It is rated under code 8017, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  • Pseudofolliculitis barbae is a skin condition where the hair follicles swell and produce a bumpy rash. It is rated under code 7806, dermatitis.
  • Reactive airway disease is a term used to describe trouble breathing and wheezing caused by a specific irritant, like an allergy. It is usually easily treated and thus not ratable. If ratable, however, it is rated under code 6602, asthma.
  • Reiter’s Syndrome is a condition where arthritis develops because of a bacterial infection. It is rated under code 5002, systemic arthritis.
  • Restless leg syndrome is a nerve condition where the legs must be constantly moved to avoid pain or tingling. It is rated under code 8103, convulsive tic or 8620, sciatic nerve.
  • The Rotator cuff is the group of muscles and tissues which move the arm at the shoulder. Any rotator cuff injury is rated under code 5304, shoulder muscles.
  • Scalenus anticus syndrome is a condition where the blood vessels and nerves in the shoulder are pinched or irritated. It is rated under code 8512, the lower radicular nerve group.
  • Scheuermann’s disease (a.k.a. kyphosis) is a condition where the spine does not develop properly, curves or twists, and causes a hunchback or other abnormal postures. It is rated under code 5239, spondylolisthesis.
  • Schizophreniform disorder is a mental condition where the majority of the symptoms of schizophrenia are present for at least 1 month, but not the entire 6 months needed to diagnose schizophrenia. This is a difficult condition to rate, since the symptoms normally resolve after a short period of time. If the symptoms are currently active or recurs regularly, it may be rated under code 9201, schizophrenia.
  • Sclerosing cholangitis is a condition where the bile ducts of the liver swell and scar. It is rated under code 7345, chronic liver disease.
  • Scoliosis is a condition where the spine curves to the side. It is rated under code 5239, spondylolisthesis.
  • Shin splints are tiny fractures in the tibia (“shinbone”). They are rated under code 5262, impairment of the tibia.
  • Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune condition where the glands that produce tears and saliva are destroyed. It is most commonly caused by rheumatoid arthritis, and so is rated under code 5002, systemic arthritis. It can, however, be rated on symptoms it causes in the eyes or throat if these symptoms are fairly severe.
  • Stargardt’s disease is an eye condition that causes progressive vision loss. It is rated under code 6006, retinopathy.
  • Superior vena cava syndrome (SVC) is a condition where the superior vena cava vein that takes blood to the heart narrows or is blocked. It is rated under code 7121, post-phlebitic syndrome.
  • Syncope (fainting) is most commonly a symptom of another disease. If this is the case, rate only the underlying condition. For example, if it is caused by a seizure condition, then it is rated under code 8911, epilepsy. If it is caused by cranial nerve damage, it is rated under code 8210, tenth cranial nerve. If it is caused by narcolepsy, then it is rated under code 8108, narcolepsy.
  • Tarsal tunnel is a condition where the posterior tibial nerve gets pinched as it passes through the ankle into the foot. It is rated under the codes for the posterior tibial nerve.
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disfunction (TMJ) is a condition where the jaw joint becomes irritated and painful. It is rated under code 9905, temporomandibular disorder.
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is a condition where the nerves at the thoracic outlet (in the neck) are compressed, causing numbness, pain, and tingling in the arms. It is rated under code 8513, all radicular nerve groups.
  • Tic douloureux is a condition where there are sharp pains in the face because of damage to the trigeminal nerve. It is rated under one of the trigeminal nerve codes.
  • Torticollis is a condition where the spine in the neck is twisted, causing the head to twist abnormally. It is rated under code 5237, cervical strain.
  • Tourette’s Syndrome is a condition with muscle and vocal tics (twitches). It is rated under code 8103, convulsive tic. This condition normally develops in childhood and so may not be ratable since it may be considered EPTS.
  • Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection. It is rated under code 8000, encephalitis.
  • Tremor (essential, familial, or benign) is the involuntary shaking of part of the body. It is usually rated under code 8105, Sydenham’s Chorea, but can also be rated under code 8103, convulsive tic—whichever best describes the overall condition.
  • Tropical sprue is a condition of the intestines that keep them from absorbing all the necessary nutrients from food. It affects people who live in tropical environments. It is rated under code 7319, irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Vestibulopathy is a condition of the ears that affects the ability to hear. It is rated under code 6204, peripheral vestibular disorder.
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Equivalent Codes

Here is a basic list of some of the most common conditions that go by other names. We have not listed all possible equivalent codes, so if you can’t find your exact condition anywhere on this site, try searching for it by other names before rating it analogously.

  • Adrenal cortical hypofunction is the same as Addison’s disease, code 7911.
  • Aminoaciduria is a renal tubular disorder, code 7532.
  • Anthracosis is the same as pneumoconiosis, code 6832.
  • Antheroembolic renal disease is the same as atherosclerotic renal disease, code 7534.
  • Bartter’s syndrome is a renal tubular disorder, code 7532.
  • Benign chronic familial pemphigus is a type of bullous disorder, code 7815.
  • Birmingham Hip Resurfacing is a type of hip replacement surgery, code 5054.
  • Bullous pemphigoid is a type of bullous disorder, code 7815.
  • Calcinosis cutis is a type of collagen-vascular disease, code 7821.
  • Cardiospasms are the same as spasms of the esophagus, code 7204.
  • Choroidal nevus is a type of benign neoplasm of the eye, code 6015.
  • Choroiditis is a form of choroidopathy, code 6000.
  • Cyclitis is a form of choroidopathy, code 6000.
  • Dacryocystitis is a disorder of the lacrimal apparatus, code 6025.
  • Darier’s disease (DAR) is a disease of keratinization, code 7824.
  • De Quervain’s Disease is a type of tenosynovitis, code 5024.
  • Dementia is a type of neurocognitive disorder, codes 9301–9310.
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis is a type of bullous disorder, code 7815.
  • Dermatomyositis is a type of collagen-vascular disease, code 7821.
  • Devergie’s disease is a type of papulosquamous disorder, code 7822.
  • Discoid lupus erythematosus is a type of lupus, code 7809.
  • Dyskeratosis follicularis is a disease of keratinization, code 7824.
  • Dysthymia is the same as persistent depressive disorder, code 9433.
  • Endolymphatic hydrops is the same as Meniere’s syndrome, code 6205.
  • Epidermolysis bullos acquisita is a type of bullous disorder, code 7815.
  • Epiphora is a disorder of the lacrimal apparatus, code 6025.
  • Espundia is the same as New World leishmaniasis, code 7807.
  • Extrinsic allergic alveolitis is the same as hypersensitivity pneumonitis, code 6831.
  • False flail joint is a type of humerus impairment, code 5202.
  • Fanconi’s syndrome is a renal tubular disorder, code 7532.
  • Fibrosing alveolitis is the same as diffuse interstitial fibrosis, code 6825.
  • Fibrositis is a type of fibromyalgia, code 5025.
  • Flail shoulder is a type of humerus impairment, code 5202.
  • Gastrojejunal ulcer is a digestive system ulcer, code 7304.
  • Hailey-Hailey is a type of bullous disorder, code 7815.
  • Hypertensive vascular disease is the same as hypertension, code 7101.
  • Hypertropic arthritis is a type of degenerative arthritis, code 5003.
  • Hypochondriasis is a type of illness anxiety disorder, code 9425.
  • Ichthyoses is a disease of keratinization, code 7824.
  • Incontinence can be both fecal and urinary. Urinary incontinence is rated as cystitis, code 7512. Fecal incontinence is as loss of sphincter control, code 7332.
  • Infrapatellar Bursitis is rated as bursitis, code 5019.
  • Interstitial pneumonitis is the same as diffuse interstitial fibrosis, code 6825.
  • Iritis is a form of choroidopathy, code 6000.
  • Ischemic heart disease is the same as coronary artery disease, code 7005.
  • Jock itch is the same as dermatophytosis, code 7813.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis is a type of conjunctivitis, code 6018.
  • Lichen planus is a type of papulosquamous disorder, code 7822.
  • Lichen ruber acuminatus is a type of papulosquamous disorder, code 7822.
  • Lou Gherig’s Disease is the same as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), code 8017.
  • Lupus vulgaris is the same as tuberculosis luposa, code 7811.
  • Lymphomatoid papulosus is a type of papulosquamous disorder, code 7822.
  • Medullary sponge kidney is a cystic disease of the kidneys, code 7533.
  • Metatarsalgia is the same as Morton’s disease, code 5279.
  • Mucha-Habermann disease is a type of papulosquamous disorder, code 7822.
  • Mucous colitis is the same as irritable bowel syndrome, code 7319.
  • Nephronophthisis is a cystic disease of the kidneys, code 7533.
  • Olecranon Bursitis is rated as bursitis, code 5019.
  • Osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative arthritis, code 5003.
  • Palmoplantar keratoderma is a disease of keratinization, code 7824.
  • Paralysis agitans is the same as Parkinson’s disease, code 8004.
  • Parapsoriasis acuta is a type of papulosquamous disorder, code 7822.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a disease of the fallopian tubes, code 7614.
  • Pemphigus foliaceous is a type of bullous disorder, code 7815.
  • Pemphigus vulgaris is a type of bullous disorder, code 7815.
  • Peripheral vascular disease is a type of peripheral arterial disease, code 7114.
  • Pes cavus is the same as claw foot, code 5278.
  • Pes planus is the same as flatfoot, code 5276.
  • Plaque parapsoriasis is a type of papulosquamous disorder, code 7822.
  • Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (PLEVA) is a type of papulosquamous disorder, code 7822.
  • Pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) is a type of papulosquamous disorder, code 7822.
  • Polycystic kidney disease is a cystic disease of the kidneys, code 7533.
  • Porphyri cutanea tarda is a type of bullous disorder, code 7815.
  • Primary fibromyalgia syndrome is a type of fibromyalgia, code 5025.
  • Quadrantanopsia is the same as scotoma, code 6081.
  • Renal glycosuria is a renal tubular disorder, code 7532.
  • Renal tubular acidosis is a renal tubular disorder, code 7532.
  • Rhinosinusitis is the same as sinusitis, code 6510.
  • Scleroderma is a type of collagen-vascular disease, code 7821.
  • Serous otitis media is the same as chronic nonsuppurative otitis media with effusion, code 6201.
  • Silicosis is a type of pneumoconiosis, code 6832.
  • Spastic colitis is the same as irritable bowel syndrome, code 7319.
  • Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus is the same as lupus, code 7809.
  • Tachycardia can be caused by either ventricular (brain) problems or non-ventricular problems. All non-ventricular tachycardias are rated as supraventricular tachycardia, code 7010. For ventricular tachycardias, choose the brain code that best describes the overall condition and symptoms.
  • Tendonitis is close enough that it is rated as Tenosynovitis, code 5024.
  • Tinea barbae is a type of dermatophytosis, code 7813.
  • Tinea capitis is a type of dermatophytosis, code 7813.
  • Tinea corporis is a type of dermatophytosis, code 7813.
  • Tinea cruris is a type of dermatophytosis, code 7813.
  • Tinea pedis is a type of dermatophytosis, code 7813.
  • Tinea unguium is a type of dermatophytosis, code 7813.
  • Trochanteric Bursitis is rated as bursitis, code 5019.
  • Uremic medullary cystic disease is a cystic disease of the kidneys, code 7533.
  • Uveitis is a form of choroidopathy, code 6000.
  • Vulvovagnitis is a condition of the vulva, code 7610.
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Can’t Find Your Condition?

If you cannot find your condition on our website, please Contact Us and let us know. We are continually trying to improve and expand the lists of Analogous Codes and Equivalent Codes.

Since the VASRD doesn’t cover everything and it’s impossible to address every possible condition, remember the basic rule: If you can’t find an exact code, rate the condition under the code that most closely describes the overall disability caused by the condition. So if an immune system condition limits the ability of the leg to move but shows no other symptoms, it would make the most sense to rate it by the limited leg motion since that is the most dominant symptom.

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What is an Analogous Code?

An Analogous Code is used by the VA when a condition (or its equivalent code) is not included in the VASRD. Without an assigned code for a specific condition, the VA will instead choose the code that most closely resembles the condition, its symptoms, or its treatments. Analogous Codes are 8-digits instead of the usual 4 digits.

What are Equivalent Codes?

Equivalent Codes are used when a diagnosed condition is in the VASRD, just under a different name.

What are VASRD Codes?

VASRD Codes are 4-digit codes listed in the Veteran Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) and used to identify and rate medical conditions for military disability.

What if my code has 8 digits?

If you have an 8-digit hyphenated code, like 8099-8001, then you have an analogous code. Analogous codes are used for conditions that do not have their own codes in the VASRD. These conditions are rated analogously on the closest conditions that are in the VASRD. The first four digits identify it as an analogous code, and the last four are the code it is rated under.

How does the VASRD rate conditions?

The rating requirements in the VASRD were created with the intent of compensating veterans for any lack of income resulting from their condition. Each condition has its own set of requirements that assigns ratings based on that condition's unique symptoms, physical limitations, treatments, etc. Since the VASRD cannot possibly cover every possible condition in the world, it uses the principle of Analogous codes and equivalent codes to cover everything not directly listed.

Who decides my analogous code or equivalent code?

The VA Rating Authority reviewing your claim will decide which codes they feel best rate the disability of your condition. For conditions directly listed in the VASRD, the decision will be clear and easy. For analogous codes and equivalent codes, however, the Rating Authority will have to use VA guidelines and regulations and their best judgment to choose the code that best rates your conditions. For DoD Disability, the PEB will use the codes and ratings you were assigned by the VA.

Do Analogous Codes and Equivalent Codes ever change?

Analogous codes and equivalent codes can change in two ways. First, if it can be proven that a different code better rates the overall condition, the VA can choose to assign a code that is different than the one originally chosen by the first rating authority. Second, Congress will occasionally put together a committee to review and update the ratings based on progressed medical knowledge and practices. During these updates, they could decide to change, delete, or add VASRD Codes. When this happens, the VA will often add new codes for conditions that have previously been rated under analogous codes or equivalent codes in order to make rating decisions more standard for all veterans.

What if I don't agree with the analogous code my condition was given?

If you have strong evidence that you should be rated under a different analogous code, you can submit an appeal.

Does the DoD use analogous codes and equivalent codes?

Originally, VASRD codes were only used by the VA, and each branch of the military had their own system in place for rating conditions. This ultimately created a large disparity between compensation across all the branches, so Congress ruled in 2008 that all branches were to use the Veteran Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities to rate conditions. It is now the only regulation used to rate conditions for military disability, so all branches of the DoD now use analogous codes and equivalent codes.

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