Military Disability Made Easy

VA Family Caregiver Program Expanding to Include Vietnam, Korean, and WWII Veterans

The VA is officially making two changes to the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC), starting in October. 

The Family Caregiver Program gives educational resources, tips, peer connections, workshops, and in-home support services to family members who are caring for disabled veterans in their homes. 

Currently, the PCAFC is only available to the family caregivers of veterans who were seriously injured in the line of duty on or after September 11, 2001. 

Change 1.

Starting in October, the Family Caregiver Program will be expanded to include family caregivers of veterans who were seriously injured in the line of duty on or before May 7, 1975. This includes Vietnam, Korean, and WWII veterans.

The VA has not yet published the exact date in October when those eligible under this new ruling will be able to apply. Any applications received before that date will be denied, so check the VA’s Caregiver website for the exact date in October. 

Change 2.

In Fall 2022, the Family Caregiver Program will expand even further to include every veteran ever seriously injured (incurred or aggravated) in the line of duty. The program will no longer be limited to veterans injured before 1975 or after 2001. The exact effective date for this change has also not been set since we are still 2 years out. 

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