Military Disability Made Easy

Changing the VA: Be Proactive

As we reported last August, the VA has directed all local units to hold town hall meetings. Initially, this was to be completed by the end of September.  However, the VA announced in October that the town hall meetings were to continue on a quarterly basis.  These meetings are intended not only to provide information to veterans and their families but also to get feedback from them regarding their concerns, problems they are having obtaining care, ideas for solutions, etc. 
The VA is in the process of a major overhaul and they can use your input to help them make changes that are worth making—ones that will really be of use to our disabled veterans. However, reports are coming in that these town hall meetings are not being well attended in some areas.  In some instances, there have been more people from the VA than participants!
For those of you out there who have complaints with the VA system, we urge you to go to these meetings and let them know.  Be concise, be organized, write down your concerns and share them with the VA representatives.  If you don’t let them know, they can’t do anything to change the system and the problems will likely continue. It’s kind of like voting—if you don’t vote, you can’t complain about the government you end up with.  Same thing applies here—if you don’t participate and speak up, the system won’t change.
So contact your local VA facility and find out when the next town hall meeting is scheduled.
Make your voice heard. Be a force for change.

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