Military Disability Made Easy

ATTN: Reservists and National Guard Members – You are Now Eligible for VA MST Care

The VA announced on December 1 that eligibility for mental health care for Military Sexual Trauma (MST) has been extended to Reservists and National Guard members who take part in inactive duty training. This means that the VA now has the authority to offer these individuals mental health care to treat conditions that resulted from MST which took place during that time.
VA care for MST-related conditions is provided free of charge. Veterans do not need to be enrolled in the VA health care system or have a service-connected disability.  They also do not need to have reported MST incidences to the DoD. No official records or documentation are required at all to receive MST care.  All you need is to have a VA mental health provider determine if your condition is MST-related. Just contact your local VA and make an appointment.
All VA facilities have an MST coordinator and all VA medical centers and community-based Vet Centers offer outpatient MST counseling.  The VA offers more information about its MST services online at

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