The VA announced last month that it is amending its current regulations governing copays for outpatient medications for veterans with conditions that are not service-connected.
Currently, veterans receiving healthcare for conditions that are not connected to service pay either $8 or $9 for a 30-day or less supply of medication.
This new regulation puts outpatient medications into 3 categories or tiers and sets the copays accordingly. The new copays, effective February 27, 2017, are as follows:
$5 for a 30-day or less supply of Tier 1 (preferred generics) medications
$8 for a 30-day or less supply of Tier 2 (non-preferred generics, including over the counter) medications
$11 for a 30-day or less supply of Tier 3 (brand name) medications
These changes will apply only to veterans receiving treatment for conditions that are not service-connected and who are not exempt from copayments.