Military Disability Made Easy

What are VA Disability Percentages for Conditions?

If you’ve ever looked at your VA Rating Decision and wondered what that percentage was next to your conditions, then you’ve come to the right place. 

VA Disability Percentages for Conditions

In this blog, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about VA Disability percentages for conditions, including what they are, how they work, and how to maximize them. 

What are VA Disability Percentages for Conditions?

VA Disability Percentages for Conditions

The VA gives VA Disability percentages for conditions that qualify for VA Disability. To qualify, each condition must be service-connected

The VA assigns these percentages during the VA Disability Process, and the percentages then determine the amount of VA Disability Benefits the veteran will receive for their service-connected conditions.

The percentages, called “ratings,” range from 0% – 100% and always round to the nearest ten: 10%, 20%, 30%, etc. 

What is the Purpose of VA Disability Percentages for Conditions?

The purpose of VA Disability percentages for conditions is to ultimately determine the amount of disability benefits a veteran should receive.

The percentage is meant to reflect how severely the condition interferes with the veteran’s ability to work and perform the Activities of Daily Living. A 0% rating means that the condition has a minimal effect on the veteran’s functioning, while a 100% rating means that the condition makes the veteran unable to work and/or perform the Activities of Daily Living

The higher the percentage a veteran is given, the more compensation they will receive from the VA.

How do VA Disability Percentages for Conditions Work?

VA Disability percentages for conditions work based on the rules of the Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (“VASRD”). 

The VASRD is a regulation written by doctors and lawyers and passed by Congress that determines what percentages should be given for the various severities of a condition. 

Each condition is given its own four-digit code that includes instructions on how to rate (i.e., assign a percentage to) that condition.

For example, if an elbow condition makes it impossible to straighten the arm completely, then it is rated under code 5207. The percentages are then assigned based on how far the arm can straighten. If the arm can straighten to 45°, it is rated 10%. If it can straighten to 75°, it is rated 20%, etc. 

For conditions that are not included in the VASRD, they are rated under the code whose rating requirements best cover the resulting disability. Remember, the ultimate goal of the rating percentages is to rate the conditions according to how significantly they affect the functioning of the veteran in daily life. 

How can I Determine the VA Disability Percentages for my Conditions?

Our website is the perfect place to determine the VA Disability percentages for your conditions. 

We have a complete breakdown of the VASRD that walks through the rating requirements for each condition and code. 

After finding your condition on our site by using the search function or the green drop-down menu on the All-Access Member’s page, you can compare your condition to the rating requirements to determine your percentage. 

Make sure you understand how the VARSD works in special cases by reading up on the VASRD Principles. This information can help you avoid Pyramiding and understand the other rules that could affect your ratings. 

Once you know what percentage should be assigned to your condition, you can then use the information in the rating requirements to ensure that the evidence you submit properly supports this rating. It’s vital that the VA clearly sees the test results, measurements, etc., needed to rate the condition included in the medical records you submit with your claim. 

How Much Money will I be Paid for the VA Disability Percentages for my Conditions?

The VA determines how much money you will receive for your disability based on your Total Combined Rating

The Total Combined Rating is found by using VA Math to combine all of the VA Disability Percentages for each of your conditions.

The VA uses the Total Combined Rating along with special considerations, like any dependents you have, to determine how much money they will pay you every month. We include all of the current pay rates in our VA Disability Chart. 

How can I Maximize the VA Disability Percentages for my Conditions?

Maximizing the VA Disability percentages for your conditions depends on whether you are claiming them for the first time or trying to get an increase.  

If you are claiming your conditions for the first time, then you can maximize your ratings by doing these three things:

  1. Provide sufficient proof of service-connection for each of your conditions. 
  2. Know exactly what information the VA needs to assign the correct rating percentage to your conditions by finding the conditions on our site. 
  3. Submit evidence that clearly supports the correct rating. If you do not have this evidence already, then you need to ensure that this evidence is properly recorded at your C&P Exam. You may also want to have additional medical appointments with your main providers to have the evidence fully recorded by more than one source.

If you already have your ratings but want to get them increased because your conditions have gotten worse, then you can apply for an Increased Evaluation:

  1. Find your conditions on our site to ensure that you know exactly what evidence is needed to qualify for a higher rating. 
  2. Gather the medical evidence that clearly shows that your conditions now qualify for the higher rating. 
  3. Sign in to your account in, find your conditions, and click “Apply for an Increase” next to the conditions you want to increase. Follow the instructions to upload the evidence and submit the claim. If you want, you can submit a paper claim instead. Make sure to specify that this is for an “increased evaluation” next to the condition when you list it on the claim form and send all of the necessary evidence with the form.

If the VA made a mistake with your ratings and you want to get them increased, then you can submit an appeal:

  1. Find your conditions on our site to ensure that you know exactly what rating percentage your conditions should have received.
  2. Gather the medical evidence that clearly shows that your conditions qualify for the higher rating. 
  3. Follow the instructions on our VA Appeals page to correctly prepare and submit your appeal. 

By using these steps, you can maximize the VA Disability percentages for your conditions.

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