On January 5, 2018, the VA announced it has opened a 30-day comment period, seeking public opinion on the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers. The 30-day comment period was opened through a Federal Register Notice.
This is your opportunity to tell the VA about your experiences, point out problems that you have encountered, and offer suggestions for ways to solve those problems and improve support for caregivers.
The VA will take all comments into account as they strive to strengthen this program.
People who wish to comment may do so by following this link https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/01/05/2018-00004/notice-of-request-for-information-on-the-department-of-veterans-affairs-program-of-comprehensive.
For more information about the VA’s Caregiver Support Program, please visit https://www.caregiver.va.gov.