Trying to figure out what symptoms/conditions should be rated for military disability can be very complicated. In addition to the qualifications for each condition, there are also many principles that change how the rules of the VASRD are applied in different circumstance.
One of these wonderful little principles is called “Pyramiding”. Trying to figure out exactly how this principle works in different circumstances is frustrating, to say the least.
Let’s start my explanation with a parable, of sorts. You are building a pyramid, and you have a single big block of stone that is the same size as all the other stones. It needs to be added to the pyramid. Now, you wouldn’t cut the stone in half and then put half of it on top of the other before adding it; it would no longer be the right size. Plus, each half of the stone is not a distinct and separate thing. They both make up the same big stone. You can even give them two different names, but they are still the same big stone. Similarly, you wouldn’t separate the symptoms of a single condition, give them two different names and then say that they are indeed distinct and separate. They are still the exact same condition. (Wow, this parable is a bit rocky, no pun intended, and I completely lost the valuable take-home message. Let’s see if I can do better.)
The basic rule of pyramiding is that you cannot rate a single symptom more than once. There are many different conditions that can cause the same symptoms. If you have two different conditions that cause the exact same symptoms, then only one of them can be rated. In cases like this, you’d pick the condition that gives you the higher rating. For example, if you have tendonitis in your elbow that limits how much you can move it, and you have a muscle condition that affects the muscles that move the elbow and also causes limited motion in the same elbow, then only one can be rated since they both cause the limited motion in the elbow. You don’t get two ratings—one for the muscle and one for the tendonitis—just one rating. Pick the condition that gives the highest rating.
Now the symptoms have the be the EXACT same for this rule to apply. If you have two back conditions, one causes pain down the arms, and the other causes pain down the legs, they can be rated separately since the symptoms are NOT the same. They affect two totally different areas of the body even though they are both back conditions. Make sense? Hope so, cause it’s about to get worse.
When there are many symptoms involved, and not all are shared, it gets a lot more complicated. Since you can’t rate the same symptom twice, you have to separate the shared ones. The easiest way to explain this is with an example. In this example, don’t worry about the technical language: you don’t need to understand what everything means to get the point of pyramiding.
There are two conditions:
An arteriovenous fistula is a condition where a new passageway is created between an artery and a vein. It causes the heart to work harder to get blood flowing. For this example, let’s say that it causes the following symptoms: swelling in the arms and right ventricular hypertrophy in the heart.
Chronic bronchitis is a condition where the bronchi in the lungs swell and restrict how much air the lungs can take in. Let’s say it causes an FEV-1 lung test measurement of 63%, a DLCO (SB) lung test measurement of 71%, and right ventricular hypertrophy.
Here’s the list of symptoms:
Fistula: right ventricular hypertrophy, arm swelling
Bronchitis: right ventricular hypertrophy, FEV-1 63%, DLCO (SB) 71%
Both conditions have some of their own unique symptoms, but they also share the most severe symptom: right ventricular hypertrophy. The hypertrophy can only be used for one of the conditions, whichever would benefit the most from it, meaning it would get a much higher rating.
So let’s look at the ratings for both conditions with their symptoms.
For the arteriovenous fistula, the condition with the hypertrophy would rate 60%. Without the hypertrophy, it would rate 20%.
For the chronic bronchitis, it would rate 100% with the hypertrophy, and 30% without it.
A 100% rating is clearly much better than 60%, so in this case, the bronchitis would be rated 100% with the hypertrophy. The other condition can still be rated, but not with the hypertrophy, so it would be rated 20%.
Pyramiding can get very complicated, but take it step by step. Start by listing symptoms, and then see how the different conditions are rated. If they have their own symptoms, they can be rated separately.
Just remember: each symptom can only be rated once.
Sir, I have been diagnosed with degenerative arthritis of the lumbar spine with a 20 percent disability rating. A neurosurgeon assessed me as well and said I had neuropathy/radiculopathy in the left leg and input it in ALTA. Can this be "pyramided" off the lumbar ailment and add up to 30 percent?
Also, when the VA Doc did my ROM, he only did forward flexion, and not side or back. I can dispute this as well, correct?
Any nerve damage can be rated in addition to the arthritis, so, yes, that can be claimed separately. Make sure you have the nerve damage thoroughly examined and documented before submitting a new claim for it.
For the range of motion, he should have recorded all the directions, but it actually doesn't make a difference in your case. Unless the spine is completely frozen or you can't bend forward more than 30 degrees, 20% is the highest rating. Measuring your other ranges would not increase your rating, thus the reason he probably didn't measure it.
Sir, thank you. I have plenty of documentation for the nerve damage but nothing that says I'm unfit for duty. Maybe the PEB reviewer will take this (along with my many other ailments) into account.
As long as you submit it with your other conditions, then the PEB will consider it as well. Ultimately, only the PEB makes decisions about whether or not a condition makes you Unfit for Duty.
Dr. Johnson, I have been rated 20% for sciatica . It has since worsened to the point that I can hardly sit for periods longer than 6 to 10 minutes because of the pain it causes my left buttocks. can I fikle again because of the change in the condition? I have made 4 visits to the hospital this ,month alone
What you need to do is call your VA and make an appointment for a C&P Exam for reevaluation of your condition. Make sure they know that the condition has worsened and you want it reevaluated for rating purposes. After the exam, you can submit to have the rating increased if the results call for an increase.
I have long term effects of radiation therapy for a lymphoma I had while in service. I have CAD (with a stent in the LAD), hypertrophy, as well as stenosis in the aortic valve. I have an LVEF of 40% and am on Metoprolol, Plavix and Simvastatin indefinately. Will the CAD and valvular disease be rated seperately, pyrimided, or will they completely overlap?
It will all be rated as one since they are all rated on the Heart Rating System. Basically, you'll receive a single rating for your heart, but all of your symptoms/conditions/etc will be considered when rating. You'll be given the highest rating possible based on everything that's going on, but you will only be given one rating.
Thank you so much for the reply, and for all of the other great info on your site. It has made the process so much easier to navigate since finding it.
I served in the army in Korea at or near the DMZ from May of 1970 until June of 1971. The time period for Agent Orange claims. I have never filed a claim but have severe heart issues ; 5 stents and subsequently quintuplets bypass surgery. I am told that this is a presumptive condition due to possible herbicide contamination. Would this qualify me for disability status? Bill McMorrow. [email protected]
Hi Bill –
It most likely qualifies under the VA Presumptive List as Ischemic Heart Disease. Definitely worth submitting a VA Disability Claim:
Hi Dr., I'm so confused. I have four different diagnoses on my right foot. Hallux Valus, Hallux Rigorous, hammer toes (2-5), and degenerative arthritis. My current rating is 10%. Everything that I read says each of these diagnoses is awarded 10%. Shouldn't I receive 10% for each and or 30% combined for the toes? I have an appeal hearing on March 5, 2018 and I wondering if I am barking up the right tree. Please help. Alan. You can also email me at [email protected]
I have several conditions neck and spine conditions as a result of flying fighter for the USAF. As I am submitting my package through the VSO, I am also looking at the “codes” and “groups” and trying to figure out what is going to pyramid and what can be rated separately. Under “spine” I have near full range of motion but pain throughout that is well documented. I also have scoliosis. Under neck and torso I have symptoms and treatments for nearly all rotations and muscles in the neck and torso under codes 5237,5323,5322,5320,5319,5337. But some of those codes are under the same “groups” of 19,20,22,23. Would the VA take the worst (highest rated) in each group, or will the take the highest rated for neck and then look at 10% for pain and 20% for scoliosis? Thanks for your help. If it is easier to chat via email I would really apperciate it. Thanks.
[email protected]
Because of the Pyramiding Principle, the VA will only give a single rating for a particularly body part.
For the spine, you cannot receive a rating for scoliosis and another for pain or the muscles. The scoliosis rating covers everything. If the nerves are involved, then they can be rated separately, but not pain or muscles.
Ultimately, the VA will look at all of your conditions and choose the rating that they feel best covers all of your symptoms and that gives you the highest rating.
The VA will only give a single rating per body part because of the Pyramiding Principle, thus they have given you only a single rating that covers all of your conditions in your toes. They'll pick the one that gives you the highest rating, and since all of the conditions rate you at 10%, that is what is awarded. If you qualify for a higher rating under one of these codes, then you can apply to have your rating changed to that code and increased.
I was awarded CAD as service connected. I have had two heart attacks and I have had a triple by-pass, separate from the heart attacks. Would this be pyramiding or could I get something from all three conditions.
The VA will only give a single rating for the heart, so they will look at all your conditions and pick the code that best covers all your symptoms and provides the highest rating.
Diagnosed (via laparoscopy) with Endometriosis (with bowel issues) – symptoms are diarrhea and extreme pelvic pain; Also diagnosed (via hystroscopy) with endometrial polyps – symptoms are post coital bleeding and lots of bleeding. VA lumped both these together, I disagree (different issues, diagnosed differently and different symptoms). Is this pyramiding or no?
What code did they choose to rate the conditions?
7629 – the Endometriosis one @ 50%
That's what I assumed, but wanted to confirm. The endometriosis code covers bleeding as a symptom. That is why they cannot rate polyps separately. They are causing symptoms that are already being covered. Rating them again would be pyramiding.
Rated 30 with left plantar tear or plantar fasciitis. Sub a new claim for bilateral pes planus. Will they combine under 5276 for feet. The feet are pronating and should be 50. Is pyrmading to rate they as Sep, since the feet pes planus affect the knees as well as back. They deferred. And are looking at the plantar fasciitis
Sorry Dr, the name was JT, ref the feet.
The VA will give only a single rating for the overall condition of the feet to avoid pyramiding. They'll look at all of your symptoms in the foot and then pick the code that best rates all of your symptoms.
If a condition also affects the knees, etc., the knees can be rated separately since they are a different body part.
MDME, Hope you are well. Thank you for your time.
Me: Med discharge 10%: aggrivated pre-existing hip bone problem causing shortening of right leg.
20 years later: multiple claims, for PAIN, to both ankles, both knees, left hip, and lower back all secondary to 10% right hip issue.
Results: 80% disability: 10% r.hip, 40% lower back pain, 70% depression like (chronic pain syndrome)
????: I'm am about to appeal the knees, ankles, and left hip all for PAIN.
Was I denied these claims because of pyramiding PAIN, maybe the awarded lower back was the highest rating?
Can I theoretically be awarded for PAIN on my right knee and right ankle separately as secondary to my right hip (10%) has Painful symptoms by itself?
All of this having 20 years of medical documentation confirming the secondary pain to the ankles and knees derived from right leg length discrepancy.
Hi Chad –
Yes, each knee/ankle/hip joint can receive its own pain rating as long as the pain is clearly documented as a chronic condition in each joint and there is clear proof that they are all secondary to the right hip.
The Pyramiding principle would exclude a rating for pain if there was already a rating for something else in each joint. Without another rating, the minimum for pain is applied.
SC for 30% asthma and sleep apnea at 50%…I will only be compensated at 50% right? Because of pyradiming…
Correct. The VA does not allow a rating for both asthma a sleep apnea. Instead, they will assign the 50% for sleep apnea since it is the higher rating.