In 2018, disabled veterans and military retirees will see the largest Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) raise in 8 years reflected in their paychecks. While still not large, the 2% increase is a big jump from the 0.3% last year or the 0% in 2015.
The COLA is adjusted annually with the rate of inflation to help government beneficiaries, including retirees and disabled veterans, keep up with the rising cost of living. It is calculated using the Consumer Price Index, which compares the costs of products this year to th
e cost last year.
Check out our site to see the 2018 VA Disability Rates and compare them to the current VA Disability Rates.
While Congress is still debating the amount of the pay raise for active duty troops, this COLA does not require Congressional action. It will go into effect in December regardless of Congress’ decision about the active duty raise.
Cost of housing jumped far more than this.
Mitral valve regurgitation? repair not replaced, aggravated by my military service? Any thoughts on percentage? 9 yrs just got BVA to make award to me.
All the way and then some!!! RJ
Hi Randall –
Mitral valve regurgitation is a type of valvular heart disease, and so is rated under code 7000:
The ratings for service-aggravation are pretty much impossible to predict. The VA will look at your records and your condition and compare it to the standard progression of the condition. If it can be proven to have progressed more than usually, they can decide that it is service-aggravated. They will then rate it based on the Heart's Basic Rating System using ONLY the amount it was aggravated to award the rating.
Because of how complicated it is to rate a service-aggravated condition, I unfortunately have no way to predict what your rating should be.
Hello Dr. Johnson I was discharged with daytime hypersomulance in 1991 since I have not been able to hold a job and during stress my sleeping gets out of control which causes more stress the Meds made it hard to drive I had accidents where I have fallen to sleep not during driving but at rest and drifted I can not just stop driving I was given a 20% rating as I am now older it is getting worse can I do something to appeal this rating
Dear Dr.Johnson,
If you notice on your medical record that you had low blood sugar and taking medicine for diabetes from military hospital is that consider proof of having diabetes in the military?
My other question is if the information is on your military records is that consider service connected?
Yes, you don't need to appeal, but anytime your condition worsens, you can apply for an increase. All you need to do is submit VA Form 21-526b:
On the form, list your condition under Increased Evaluation.
Make sure to include full medical evidence documenting your current severity. Include the impact the condition is having on your employability and daily life as well. The more evidence from credible sources you can present (accident reports, medical tests/records, employer notes/reports, etc.), the better.
If this is your only rated condition, you don't as yet qualify for Individual Employability, but providing as much evidence as possible will help your case.
Is it clear in the medical record that your diagnosis is diabetes? Is the diabetes medication regularly supplied and filled. There would need to be multiple records showing treatment of this condition over time with a definite diagnosis to show that it was present during service.
If the condition is first diagnosed while on active duty, then yes, it would be considered service-connected in most cases.