100% Disabled Veteran Benefits
Topics: 100% Benefits for Active Diseases100% Benefits from the VA100% Benefits from the DoDReceiving 100% Benefits from the DoD and the VA 100% Disabled Veteran Benefits
Topics: 100% Benefits for Active Diseases100% Benefits from the VA100% Benefits from the DoDReceiving 100% Benefits from the DoD and the VA 100% Disabled Veteran Benefits
When a service member develops a medical condition and is referred to the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES), they are appointed a PEBLO (Physical Evaluation Board
Topics: Military Disability RatingMilitary Disability Ratings Given to Individual ConditionsThe Total Combined Military Disability RatingDoD Ratings vs VA Ratings Military Disability Rating A Military Disability
Topics: VA Benefits for Disabled VeteransDoD Benefits for Disabled VeteransReceiving Both DoD and VA Benefits for Disabled VeteransIncreasing Disability Benefits for Disabled Veterans Disabled Veterans are
Topics: The PDBREligibilityHow the PDBR Reviews and Rates ConditionsHow to Apply to the PDBRAppealing the PDBR’s Decision Before 2008, the DoD had guidance published for
Topics: How to Read the Special Monthly Compensation Rates TableSpecial Monthly Compensation Rates Table Below is the table with all the current Special Monthly Compensation
Topics: The JointsAccurate MeasurementsCombined Ratings for Muscle InjuriesEvaluating Muscle DisabilitiesArthritis Due to StrainPainful MotionThe Amputation RuleDominant Hand The Musculoskeletal Principles are just for the conditions
Topics: Nutritional Deficiencies OverviewRatings for Nutritional Deficiencies Nutritional Deficiencies Overview The VA awards disability compensation for each Nutritional Deficiency that is service-connected. The DoD will also
The VA awards disability for Musculoskeletal Cancers and Tumors that are service-connected. The DoD will also rate service-connected cancers and tumors as long as they also
Topics: Muscle Hernias Overview Muscle Hernia Ratings Muscle Hernias Overview The VA awards disability compensation for muscle hernias that are service-connected. The DoD will also rate service-connected
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