My Military Disability
“My Military Disability” – Here at Military Disability Made Easy, we have all the tools you need to maximize your Military Disability!
You might be asking, “Okay, well, how do I maximize my military disability?” Great question.
The first step is to understand the DoD Disability Process and the VA Disability Process. Both the VA and the DoD offer disability benefits, so make sure you understand each so you do not miss any vital benefits.

Next, Find Your Conditions on this site to see how your conditions are rated using the rules of the VASRD. We provide simple, straightforward explanations of how the VASRD rates each condition. Remember to check out the VASRD Principles and the Musculoskeletal Principles to make sure the ratings are applied correctly in your case.
Be aware: The VASRD is a congressional law made by legal authorities. It does fall short some of the time, especially with more complex or rare conditions. When it does, it is up to the Rating Authorities to assign as fair a Military Disability Rating for the condition as possible. Likewise, there is often conflicting information in medical records, and it is up to the Rating Authorities to interpret the condition and apply the VASRD as best they can.
Note: We cannot guarantee that the rating you may think your condition deserves based on the information on this site will be the ratings you actually receive.
However, you can greatly improve your likelihood of success by carefully following the advice found on this site and preparing your claim thoroughly. Once you understand the process and how your conditions are rated, then you should have all the tools you need to maximize your Military Disability Benefits.
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FAQs – My Military Disability
What is my Military Disability?
Military Disability is benefits given to veterans with service-connected conditions. There are two types: VA Disability and DoD Disability.
Do I qualify for Military Disability?
You qualify for VA Disability if you are a veteran with a service-connected condition. To qualify for DoD Disability, you must be a service member with a service-connected condition that also make you Unfit for Duty.
How do I apply for my military disability?
If you are still active duty, you can apply for both DoD Disability and VA Disability at the same time through the IDES process. If you are already a veteran, then you only qualify to apply for VA Disability and can do so by submitting VA From 21-526EZ.
If I qualify, what benefits will I receive for my military disability?
The DoD provides Disability Separation benefits for ratings up to 20% and Disability Retirement benefits for ratings 30% and up. The VA provides healthcare for each qualified condition along with a monthly payment.
How long does it take to receive my military disability benefits?
The IDES process takes around 6 months to complete. If you are only applying for VA Disability, the claim usually processes in 3 months. Once the processes are complete, you should start receiving your benefits in 1-3 months.
How much money will I receive monthly for my military disability?
This gets a bit complicated. The DoD will provide a monthly payment for disability retirees. The exact amount is determined using an equation that can be found on our DoD Disability page. The VA will provide different monthly amounts based on the rating and the number of dependents. All VA rates can be found in our VA Disability Chart.
I've been out of the military for many years. Can I still submit a claim for my military disability?
For VA Disability, you can submit a claim to receive benefits at any time. For DoD Disability, once you agree to a non-disability discharge, you are no longer eligible to receive DoD disability benefits.
My conditions have worsened over time. Can my Military Disability increase?
VA Disability can increase any time your conditions worsen enough to qualify for a higher rating. Just submit a new claim and check the 'increased evaluation' box. DoD disability is not eligible to be increased as your conditions worsen since it is based only on the severity of your conditions at the time of separation.