Want to ensure that you get your maximum disability benefits the FIRST time?
Welcome to this TEXT-BASED do-it-yourself course packed with proven strategies and tips designed to save you time while getting you the most out of your VA Disability Claim!
And don’t forget to download your free Course Companion eBook found in Lesson 1!
Through this course, we explore the full process of submitting a VA Disability Claim in 5 value-packed lessons:
Lesson 1: Introduction. In this quick lesson, we’ll set some groundwork to make sure we have a solid foundation from which to work.
Lesson 2: When to Submit Your Claim. To guarantee you get the most benefits you can, there are a few important steps that need to be taken when submitting your claim that depend on where you are in the separation process or how long you’ve been a veteran. We will cover each circumstance so you can meet all of your important deadlines.
Lesson 3: Gathering Evidence. Here, we will get deep into the details of gathering every type of evidence needed for every type of claim. This is the most important and time-consuming part of the process, so we will make sure you know what evidence is needed for your claim and how to get it.
Lesson 4: Special Circumstances and Additional Things to Submit. The VA gives extra disability benefits for various special circumstances, so we’ll cover each of these circumstances and everything you need to submit to qualify for them. Note: We only cover the special circumstances that are most pertinent to your disability. The VA offers many other benefits which we do not cover, like pensions, business loans, etc., that are not directly related to disability (although disability can contribute or affect them). Make sure to go to the VA directly to see if there are any other benefits for which you qualify.
Lesson 5: The Claim. In this final lesson, we walk step-by-step through the process of submitting both a physical claim and a digital claim (both eBenefits and VA.gov). We discuss how to answer each question and list your conditions in a way to maximize your benefits. NOTE: The VA is switching all digital claims to VA.gov. eBenefits will be shut down March 31, 2022. If you have already started a claim on eBenefits, go ahead and finish it before this date. For all new claims or adjustments to current benefits, use VA.gov.
By the end, you’ll have everything you need to know to submit a perfect VA Disability Claim!
The Course Companion eBook helps you create a timeline for your claim preparation and submission and includes an evidence checklist and a collection of sample forms.
Note: This is a TEXT-BASED do-it-yourself course with content designed to educate you on the VA claim process. The purchase of this course does not include consultations. In order to ask specific questions regarding your case, you will need to become an All-Access Member.
Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee or be held responsible for the outcome of your claim. The information in this course is for education only and cannot be interpreted as official VA or legal advice. In regards to your evidence, we offer advice on how to gather your evidence, but in many cases the evidence required to support your claim simply doesn’t exist. We cannot assist you in gathering evidence, and if your claim is denied because of a lack of evidence, we cannot be held responsible.
Ready to get your benefits? Let’s jump straight into Lesson 1!