VA Presumptive List


How the VA Presumptive List Works

The VA Presumptive Lists:
Chronic Diseases Diagnosed After Discharge
Tropical Diseases
Prisoners of War
Herbicides (Agent Orange) Exposure
Radiation Exposure
Persian Gulf Veterans
Mustard Gas and Lewisite Exposure
Contaminated Camp Lejeune Water Exposure
Burn Pit and Other Toxin Exposure
Asbestos Exposure
Secondary Conditions of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

The VA Presumptive List contains medical conditions that can qualify for VA Disability even though they do not meet the standard requirements for service-connection.

In most cases, in order to qualify for VA Disability, a condition must meet the requirements for service-connection.

Over time, however, the VA began noticing patterns in the conditions developing in veterans who served under similar circumstances. Often, a significant number of vets who served in the same place at the same time developed similar conditions in a similar time frame.

These conditions do not meet the requirements for service-connection, but with the number of vets developing them, the VA decided that the evidence was too solid to be coincidental. Military service most likely caused the conditions.

The VA Presumptive List was created to ensure that veterans who developed these conditions could receive disability benefits simply by proving that they served in the locations during the time frames specified by the lists.

How the VA Presumptive List Works

The VA Presumptive List basically states that if veterans who served in X location/circumstance during certain years developed Y or Z conditions, then those conditions will automatically be considered service-connected. No proof is needed beyond documents showing that the vet was indeed in that location/circumstance at that time.

The VA Presumptive List is broken down into eleven actual lists:

  1. Chronic Diseases Diagnosed After Discharge
  2. Tropical Diseases
  3. Prisoners of War
  4. Herbicides (Agent Orange) Exposure
  5. Radiation Exposure
  6. Persian Gulf Veterans
  7. Mustard Gas and Lewisite Exposure
  8. Contaminated Camp Lejeune Water Exposure
  9. Burn Pit and Other Toxin Exposure
  10. Asbestos Exposure
  11. Secondary Conditions of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Regardless of the list, all veterans are required to have served at least 90 days of active, continuous service for their conditions to qualify unless it is specifically noted otherwise.

All conditions on the VA Presumptive List are considered service-connected UNLESS there is clear evidence indicating that it was not caused by service. For example, a brain hemorrhage that develops within 1 year after leaving the military is normally presumed connected. If, however, the brain hemorrhage was caused by injury to the head from a car accident 3 months after discharge, then it is not service-connected.

VA Presumptive List

Some of the conditions on the VA Presumptive List are required to be a certain severity within a certain amount of time (i.e. “manifest to at least 10% within 1 year of exposure”). This means that the condition must meet the requirements for a 10% rating under its code within 1 year of exposure.

For example, if a vet exposed to Agent Orange develops the skin condition porphyria cutanea tarda, the condition must manifest to a 10% rating within 1 year of the last date of exposure. Porphyria cutanea tarda is a condition that causes blisters to form. It is rated under code 7815. To qualify for a 10% rating under this code, the blisters must cover between 5%-20% of the skin. If less than 5% of the skin is affected within the 1-year period, then the condition does not qualify and is not considered service-connected.

For conditions that have these time restrictions, there may be cases where the condition is not officially diagnosed until after the time limit. If there is enough medical proof to show that the symptoms required for a 10% rating were present before the time limit even though the condition had not been officially diagnosed, it does still qualify.

We have linked each of the conditions in the lists below to the discussion of their codes and rating requirements on our site so that you can know exactly how your condition will be rated and what evidence to submit to get it rated correctly. To access this information, become an All-Access Member today.

Many of these conditions are not in the VASRD and so have to be rated analogously on the condition that is closest. The codes we’ve listed are the most likely codes for these conditions to be rated under, but they are not the only option. The Rating Authorities may choose a different code depending on the exact symptoms.

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Chronic Diseases Diagnosed After Discharge

If any of the following chronic diseases are manifest to 10% or more within the first year (there are a few exceptions noted below) after a vet is discharged from the military, then they are automatically considered caused by military service and eligible for VA Disability.

The term “chronic” is used loosely here. Any of these diseases will be considered Chronic unless it was suddenly caused by something clearly not related to military service.

There are quite a few of these diseases on the VA Presumptive List, so we’ve organized them by body system. Just click on the code number to be taken to a discussion about the disease and how it is rated.

The Blood

  • Anemia, codes 7716-7723
  • Hodgkin’s disease, code 7709
  • Leukemia, code 7703
  • Thrombocytopenia, code 7705

Cardiovascular System

  • Arteriosclerosis, code 7005
  • Hypertension, code 7101
  • Endocarditis, code 7001
  • Valvular heart disease, code 7000
  • Raynaud’s syndrome, code 7117
  • Buerger’s disease, code 7115

Digestive System

  • Gallstones, code 7314
  • Cirrhosis of the liver, code 7312
  • Gastric ulcer, code 7304
  • Duodenal ulcer, code 7305

Endocrine System

Genitourinary System

  • Calculus of the bladder, code 7515
  • Kidney stones, code 7508
  • Nephrosclerosis, code 7507
  • Nephritis, code 7502

Infectious or Immune Diseases

  • Hansen’s disease (a.k.a. Leprosy), code 6302 (must manifest to 10% within 3 years)
  • Lupus, code 6350
  • Tuberculosis (must manifest to 10% within 3 years)

Mental Disorders

Musculoskeletal System

  • Arthritis, degenerative, code 5003, or systemic, code 5002
  • Osteitis deformans (Paget’s disease), code 5016
  • Osteomalacia, code 5014

Nervous System

  • Progressive Muscular Atrophy, code 8023
  • Brain hemmorrhage, code 8009
  • Brain thrombosis, code 8008
  • Encephalitis, code 8000
  • Any form of Epilepsy
  • Myasthenia gravis, code 8025
  • Myelitis, code 8010
  • Bulbar palsy, code 8005
  • Parkinson’s disease, code 8004
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), code 8017 (can develop any time after discharge and qualify unless it is caused by vet’s wilful misconduct)
  • Multiple Sclerosis, code 8018 (must manifest to 10% within 7 years)
  • Syringomyelia, code 8024
  • Malignant cancer of the brain, code 8002
  • Malignant cancer of the spinal cord, code 8021
  • Malignant cancer of the nerves, code 8540
  • Any other “organic” Nervous System Diseases, like Huntington’s Disease or Athetosis. “Organic” basically means that it is not caused by an outside force, like a bacteria, virus, or similar.

Respiratory System

  • Bronchiectasis, code 6601
  • Coccidioidomycosis, code 6835
  • Sarcoidosis, code 6846

The Skin

  • Collagen-vascular disease, code 7821
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Tropical Diseases

If a veteran served in a tropical location and later developed a tropical disease known to come from that location, it can be considered service-connected as long as it manifests to 10% within 1 year of serving in the tropical location.

Now some of the diseases on this VA Presumptive List have incubation periods (the time between infection and the manifestation of symptoms). If the disease is medically known to have such a lengthy incubation period that the symptoms don’t begin until after the 1-year limit, it is still considered service-connected.

  • Amebiasis, code 7321
  • Blackwater fever, code 6329
  • Cholera, code 6300
  • Dracontiasis, code 6320
  • Dysentery, code 7322
  • Filariasis, code 6305
  • Leishmaniasis, code 6301
  • Loiasis, code 6320
  • Malaria, code 6304
  • Onchocerciasis, code 6320
  • Carrion’s disease, code 6306
  • Pinta, code 6310
  • Plague, code 6307
  • Schistosomiasis, code 6320
  • Yaws, code 6310
  • Yellow fever, code 6329
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Prisoners of War

Prisoners of War (POWs) get the conditions on the following VA Presumptive List regardless of how long they were on active service. The 90-day rule does not apply. The only factor that determines qualification is the length of time imprisoned. For some conditions, the vet must have been a POW for at least 30 days. For the rest of the conditions, the vet simply must have been a POW for any length of time.

The following conditions qualify once they manifest to at least 10% at any time after discharge.

Any length of imprisonment:

  • Any Psychotic Disorder
  • Any Anxiety Disorder
  • Chronic depression, code 9433
  • Residuals of frostbite, code 7122 (must have been imprisoned in a cold enough place)
  • Degenerative arthritis caused by trauma, code 5003
  • Atherosclerotic heart disease, code 7005
  • Hypertensive heart disease, code 7007
  • Stroke, codes 80078008, or 8009
  • Osteoporosis, code 5013 (must be after October 10, 2008, and the vet must have diagnosed PTSD.)

Imprisonment of 30 days or more:

  • Avitaminosis, code 6313
  • Beriberi, code 6314
  • Chronic dysentery, code 7322
  • Helminthiasis, code 6320
  • Pellagra, code 6315
  • Any other Nutritional Deficiency
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome, code 7319
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease, codes 7304 or 7305
  • Peripheral neuropathy (unless caused by infection not related to service)
  • Cirrhosis of the liver, code 7312
  • Osteoporosis, code 5013 (must be after September 28, 2009. No PTSD requirement here, though.)
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Herbicides (Agent Orange) Exposure

Herbicides, especially Agent Orange, were actively used in both Vietnam and Korea during the 60s and 70s, though they were stored and tested in numerous places. Veterans who served in the locations listed below during the specified timeframes are presumed to have been exposed to herbicides.

Any length of service is enough to qualify—the 90-day rule does not apply to vets exposed to Agent Orange and other herbicides.

Required Service Dates and Locations

Vietnam: Veterans who served between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975 are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange (unless there is solid evidence that they were not) if they served:

  • In Vietnam (this includes all veterans that had boots on the ground, even if only for a short time)
  • On ships included on the Ship List 
  • In Blue Waters within 12 nautical miles of the shores of Vietnam

South Korea: Veterans who served in the Korean DMZ between September 1, 1967 and August 31, 1971 are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange (unless there is solid evidence that they were not).

Thailand: Veterans who served on or near any US or Royal Thai military base in Thailand, or on a ship that called to any coastal base in Thailand, between January 9, 1962 and June 30, 1976, are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange.

Laos: Veterans who served in Laos between December 1, 1965 and September 30, 1969 are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange.

Cambodia: Veterans who served at Mimot or Krek between April 16, 1969 and April 30, 1969 are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange.

Johnston Atoll: Veterans who served on, or on a ship that called at, Johnston Atoll between January 1, 1972 and September 30, 1977 are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange.

Guam or American Samoa: Veterans who served in Guam, America Samoa, or the territorial waters thereof, between January 9, 1962 and July 31, 1980 are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange.

C-123s: Veterans who had repeated contact with contaminated C-123s after the war also qualify as having been exposed to Agent Orange (see the VA’s list of Air Force Speciality Codes and Units for specifics on C-123 qualifications).

Testing, Storage, or Disposal: Other veterans exposed to Agent Orange can qualify if they can show proof that they served where herbicides were tested or stored outside of Vietnam or were involved in the testing, storage, or disposal of herbicides in the US (see the full list of verified locations).


Reservists can qualify for Agent Orange exposure if they performed flight, ground, or medical crew duties at

  • Lockbourne/Rickenbacker Air Force Base (Ohio) between 1969 and 1986 in the 906th and 907th Tactical Air Groups or the 355th and 356th Tactical Airlift Squadrons
  • Pittsburgh International Airport (Pennsylvania) between 1972 and 1982 in the 758th Airlift Squadron
  • Westover Air Force Base (Massachusetts) between 1972 and 1982 in the 731st Tactical Air Squadron and 74th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, or 901st Organizational Maintenance Squadron

Agent Orange Conditions

The following conditions on the VA Presumptive List for Agent Orange qualify if they manifest at any time to any degree unless otherwise specified.

  • Primary amyloidosis, code 7717
  • Chloracne or similar acneform disease, code 7829 (must manifest to 10% within 1 year of last exposure)
  • Type 2 diabetes, code 7913
  • Hodgkin’s disease, code 7709
  • Ischemic heart disease, code 7005 (does NOT include high blood pressure, peripheral vascular disease, or stroke)
  • All chronic B-cell leukemias, code 7703
  • Multiple myeloma, code 7709 or 7703
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, code 7715 (Blue Water Veterans eligible for this condition)
  • Parkinson’s disease, code 8004
  • Peripheral neuropathy (must manifest to 10% within 1 year of last exposure)
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda, code 7815 (must manifest to 10% within 1 year of last exposure)
  • Prostate cancer, code 7528
  • Lung cancer, code 6819
  • Bronchial cancer, code 6819
  • Larynx cancer, code 6819
  • Trachea cancer, code 6819
  • Adult fibrosarcoma, code 5329
  • Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, code 5329
  • Malignant fibrous histiocytoma, code 5329
  • Liposarcoma, code 5329
  • Leiomyosarcoma, code 5329
  • Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma (malignant leiomyoblastoma), code 5329
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma, code 5329
  • Ectomesenchymoma, code 5329
  • Angiosarcoma (hemangiosarcoma and lymphangiosarcoma), code 5329
  • Proliferating (systemic) angioendotheliomatosis, code 5329
  • Malignant glomus tumor, code 5329
  • Malignant hemangiopericytoma, code 5329
  • Synovial sarcoma (malignant synovioma), code 5329
  • Malignant giant cell tumor of tendon sheath, code 5329
  • Malignant schwannoma, code 5329
  • Malignant mesenchymoma, code 5329
  • Malignant granular cell tumor, code 5329
  • Alveolar soft part sarcoma, code 5329
  • Epitheliod sarcoma, code 5329
  • Clear cell sarcoma of tendons and aponeuroses, code 5329
  • Extraskeletal Ewing’s sarcoma, code 5329
  • Congenital and infantile fibrosarcoma, code 5329
  • Malignant ganglioneuroma, code 5329
  • Bladder cancer, code 7528*
  • Hypothyroidism, code 7903*
  • Parkinsonism, code 8004*
  • High blood pressure, code 7101**
  • Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, code 7712**

*These three conditions were added in January 2021.

**These two conditions were added on August 10, 2022.

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Radiation Exposure

Veterans who qualify as being exposed to radiation include vets who did one of the following while in the military:

  1. participated in onsite nuclear testing, including presence at the test site, on ships, aircraft or equipment in support of the nuclear test, at the nuclear test site within 6 months after the test, or participated in the decontamination of equipment used during a nuclear test
  2. was within 10 miles of Hiroshima or Nagasaki between August 4, 1945 and July 1, 1946
  3. was a prisoner of war in Japan within 75 miles of Hiroshima or 150 miles of Nagaskai, worked within those areas, or were repatriated through the port of Nagasaki between August 6, 1945 and July 1, 1946
  4. was monitored with a dosimetry badge for radiation exposure on the grounds of a gaseous diffusion plant in Paducah, KY, Portsmouth, OH, or K25 at Oak Ridge, TN for at least 250 days before February 1, 1992
  5. performed a job with as much exposure as a dosimetry badge monitor on the grounds of a gaseous diffusion plant in Paducah, KY, Portsmouth, OH, or K25 at Oak Ridge, TN for at least 250 days before February 1, 1992
  6. was exposed to radiation from underground nuclear tests on Amchitka Island, AK before January 1, 1974
  7. served in the garrison or maintenance forces at Eniwetok from June 21, 1951 to July 1, 1952 or August 7, 1956 to August 7, 1957 or November 1, 1958 to April 30, 1959
  8. participated in cleanup activities or nuclear responses in Palomares, Spain (between January 17, 1966 and March 31, 1967), Thule, Greenland (between January 21, 1968 and September 25, 1968), and Enewetak Atoll (between January 1, 1977 and December 31, 1980) 

The following conditions qualify if they are manifest at any time to any degree:

  • Leukemia, code 7703 (any except chronic lymphocytic leukemia)
  • Thyroid cancer, code 79017902, or 7919
  • Breast cancer, code 7627
  • Pharynx cancer, code 7343
  • Esophageal cancer, code 7343
  • Stomach cancer, code 7343
  • Small intestine cancer, code 7343
  • Pancreatic cancer, code 7343
  • Multiple myeloma, either code 7709 or 7703
  • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas, code 7715
  • Bile duct cancer, code 7343
  • Gallbladder cancer, code 7343
  • Primary liver cancer, code 7343 (except if there is cirrhosis or hepatitis B)
  • Salivary gland cancer, code 7343
  • Genitourinary cancer, code 7528
  • Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma, code 6819
  • Bone cancer, code 5012
  • Brain cancer, code 8002
  • Colon cancer, code 7343
  • Lung cancer, code 6819
  • Ovarian cancer, code 7627
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Persian Gulf Veterans

Persian Gulf War veterans are veterans who served anytime from August 2, 1990 to the present in Southwest Asia, including

  • Afghanistan
  • Bahrain
  • Egypt
  • Kuwait
  • Iraq
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Syria
  • Turkey
  • the UAE
  • Gulf of Aden
  • Gulf of Oman
  • the neutral zone between Iraq and Saudi Arabia
  • the waters of the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, or the Red Sea
  • the airspace above these locations

The VA Presumptive List for Persian Gulf veterans is divided into three: Gulf War Syndrome, Multi-Symptom Illnesses, and Infectious Diseases. These conditions are considered service-connected if they develop any time during or after Gulf War service.

Gulf War Syndrome

The first VA Presumptive List is by far the most ambiguous.

After the Gulf War, many Gulf War vets began developing seemingly random, unconnected chronic symptoms that do not comprise a single identifiable diagnosis. Because of this, the term “Gulf War Syndrome” was coined to mean a group of unrelated, but disabling, symptoms that many Persian Gulf veterans developed after serving in Southwest Asia. If a clinical diagnosis can be made, then the symptoms do NOT constitute Gulf War Syndrome.

To be included under the heading of Gulf War Syndrome, each symptom must be present or reoccurring for at least 6 months (“chronic”), and cannot be tied to service outside Southwest Asia or be caused by the vet’s misconduct.
Gulf War Syndrome symptoms can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Skin symptoms
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Neurological symptoms
  • Mental symptoms
  • Respiratory symptoms
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Cardiovascular symptoms
  • Abnormal weight loss
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms

Visit our Gulf War Syndrome page for specifics on rating qualifying symptoms.

Multi-Symptom Illnesses

The second VA Presumptive List covers Multi-Symptom Conditions with no known cause. These are conditions that present a much higher level of disability than is medically justified due to lack of clinical findings to explain the severity of symptoms. Conditions with known or partially-known causes do not qualify.

Like with Gulf War Syndrome, these conditions must be Chronic.

Multi-Symptom Illnesses include:

  • Fibromyalgia, code 5025
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, code 6354
  • Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (like irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia, functional constipation, etc.)

Infectious Diseases

For the final VA Presumptive List for Gulf War Veterans, veterans who develop one of the following infectious diseases qualify if they served in Southwest Asia or Afghanistan after September 19, 2001, unless there is sufficient evidence that the disease was not related to service.

All diseases must be manifest to 10% within 1 year of the veteran’s discharge date unless otherwise noted.

  • Brucellosis, code 6316
  • Campylobacter jejuni, code 6630
  • Coxiella burnetii (Q fever), code 6331
  • Malaria, code 6304 (must be manifest to 10% within 1 year or the incubation period must have clearly begun while in service)
  • Tuberculosis (no time limit for manifestation)
  • Nontyphoid salmonella, code 6333
  • Shigella, code 6334
  • Visceral leishmaniasis, code 6301 (no time limit for manifestation)
  • West Nile Virus, code 6335

Many of these infectious diseases can cause other symptoms or conditions to develop over time. If a Gulf War veteran who qualifies for one of the above infectious diseases develops one of the following symptoms tied to that disease, it can also qualify for VA Disability. The symptom must, however, develop within the time specified below or, if no time is specified, be satisfactorily connected to the infectious disease by a medical authority.


  • Arthritis, code 5002
  • Infections of the CardiovascularNervous, or Respiratory systems
  • Chronic meningitis and meningoencephalitis, code 8019 or 8000
  • Deafness, code 6100
  • Demyelinating meningovascular syndromes, code 8014
  • Episcleritis, code 6017
  • Fatigue, inattention, amnesia, and depression
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome, code 8011
  • Hepatic abnormalities, including granulomatous hepatitis, code 7345
  • Multifocal choroiditis, code 6011
  • Myelitis-radiculoneuritis, code 8010
  • Nummular keratitis, code 6001
  • Papilledema, code 6026
  • Optic neuritis, code 6026
  • Infections of the Genitourinary System
  • Sensorineural hearing loss, code 6100
  • Spondylitis, code 5240
  • Uveitis, code 6000

Compylobacter jejuni:            

  • Guillain-Barre syndrome, code 8011 (must manifest within 2 months of the infection)
  • Reactive Arthritis, code 5002 (must manifest within 3 months of the infection)    
  • Uveitis, code 6000 (must manifest within 1 month of the infection)

Coxiella burnetii:



  • Active tuberculosis
  • Tissue damage from pulmonary and active tuberculosis (rated on the damaged tissue)

Nontyphoid Salmonella:

  • Reactive arthritis, code 5002 (must manifest within 3 months of infection)


  • Hemolytic-uremic syndrome, code 7732 (must manifest within 1 month of infection)
  • Reactive arthritis, code 5002 (must manifest within 3 months of infection)

Visceral Leishmaniasis:            

  • Dermal leishmaniasis, code 7807 or 7808 (must manifest within 2 years of infection)
  • Reactivation of visceral leishmaniasis, code 6301

West Nile Virus:

  • Various physical, functional, or cognitive disability
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Mustard Gas and Lewisite Exposure

A veteran qualifies under the VA Presumptive List for Mustard Gas and Lewisite Exposure if they can prove full-body exposure to mustard gas (sulphur or nitrogen) or Lewisite while on active duty in one or more of the following ways:

  • during field or chamber testing
  • during battlefield conditions in WWI
  • during the German air raid on Bari, Italy in WWII
  • during the manufacturing or handling of these compounds

If the veteran qualifies, then the following conditions are considered service-connected.

Mustard gas:

  • chronic conjunctivitis, code 6018
  • keratitis, rated analogously under code 6001
  • corneal opacities, rated analogously under code 60016009, or 6027
  • scars (must clearly be from exposure)
  • nasopharyngeal cancer, code 6819
  • laryngeal cancer, code 6819
  • lung cancer (except mesothelioma), code 6819
  • squamous cell carcinoma, code 7818
  • chronic laryngitis, code 6516
  • chronic bronchitis, code 6600
  • chronic emphysema, code 6603
  • asthma, code 6602
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, code 6604
  • acute non-lymphocytic leukemia, code 7703 (nitrogen mustard only)


  • chronic laryngitis, code 6516
  • chronic bronchitis, code 6600
  • chronic emphysema, code 6603
  • asthma, code 6602
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, code 6604

The key to this VA Presumptive List is the ability to prove exposure. Unfortunately, proper record keeping regarding mustard gas exposure, especially for service members used for testing, was incredibly bad, so the majority of exposure cases were not sufficiently recorded.

Because of this, the VA has a few things in place to help veterans prove exposure. The first is a database of all the names they could compile of service members involved in testing. Again, because of the bad record keeping, this list is far from complete. After receiving a claim, they will check to see if the veteran is on this list. If they are, then that is sufficient to prove exposure. If, however, they are not, then details of the veteran’s case are forwarded to the Deployment Health Directorate for review and determination of exposure. The Directorate has the final say on whether or not the evidence is sufficient to prove exposure.

To make sure that the Directorate has all the information needed to make a proper determination, include the following in your VA Disability Claim:

  • number of exposures
  • length of exposures (20 minutes, 2 hours, etc.)
  • dates of exposures (month and year)
  • location of exposure
  • your assigned unit at the time of exposure
  • type of exposure (full body, skin patch, etc.)
  • detailed cause of exposure (deployed warfare exposure, test involvement, etc.)
  • procedures followed before, during, and after exposure (including any medical treatment received after exposure)
  • immediate effects (blistering, difficulty breathing, etc.) and residual effects (development of one of the above conditions, etc.) of exposure.
  • disabilities caused by exposure, including the dates of their development
  • any medical records or other records that show proof of exposure
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Contaminated Camp Lejeune Water Exposure

If a veteran (including reservists and National Guard members) served at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days between August 1, 1953 and December 31, 1987 and later developed one of the following diseases, it will be considered service-connected as of March 14, 2017.

  • Kidney cancer, code 7528
  • Liver cancer, code 7343
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, code 7715
  • Adult leukemia, code 7703
  • Multiple myeloma, code 7709 or code 7703
  • Parkinson’s disease, code 8004
  • Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes, code 7716
  • Bladder cancer, code 7528

These eight conditions are the only conditions that are granted presumptive service-connection for disability benefits, however, the VA also provides cost-free health-care for the following conditions:

  • Esophageal cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Renal toxicity
  • Female infertility
  • Scleroderma
  • Lung cancer
  • Hepatic steatosis
  • Miscarriage
  • Neurobehavioral effects
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Burn Pit and Other Toxin Exposure

Veterans who served in the qualifying locations below during the specified time periods will be presumed to have been exposed to burn pits and/or other toxins, including:

  • burn pit fumes and smoke
  • sand and dust
  • general air pollution
  • fuel, exhaust, and mechanical fumes
  • smoke from oil well fires

To qualify for the conditions listed below, a veteran must have served in the following locations during the specified time:

  • On or after September 11, 2001 in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Uzbekistan, the Philippines, or the airspace above these locations.
  • On or after August 2, 1990 in Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, the United Arab Emirates, or the airspace above these locations.

For these veterans, if any of the following conditions develop anytime after service in these areas, it will be considered service-connected.

  • Asthma, code 6602 (cannot have been diagnosed before discharge)
  • Chronic sinusitis, including rhinosinusitis, codes 6510-6514
  • Chronic rhinitis, code 6522
  • Chronic bronchitis, code 6600
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, code 6604
  • Constrictive or obliterative bronchiolitis, code 6600
  • Emphysema, code 6603
  • Granulomatous disease, code 6524
  • Interstitial lung diseases, various codes
  • Pleuritis, code 6845
  • Pulmonary fibrosis, code 6825
  • Sarcoidosis, code 6846
  • Glioblastoma, code 8002 or code 8021
  • Head cancer of any type, various codes
  • Neck cancer of any type, code 6819
  • Respiratory cancer of any type, code 6819
  • Gastrointestinal cancer of any type, code 7343
  • Reproductive cancer of any type, code 7628 or code 7528
  • Lymphoma of any type, code 7709 or code 7715
  • Kidney cancer, code 7528
  • Brain cancer, code 8002
  • Melanoma, code 7833
  • Pancreatic cancer, code 7343
  • Male breast cancer, code 7630
  • Urethral cancer, code 7528
  • Cancer of the paraurethral glands, code 7627
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Asbestos Exposure

Exposure to asbestos occurred for many service members, but was rarely ever documented. The VA will compensate veterans for asbestos-related conditions (like asbestosis, mesothelioma, etc.) no matter when they develop as long as the veteran can provide sufficient evidence of asbestos exposure.

To claim a condition caused by asbestos exposure, a veteran must submit all of the following:

  • medical records showing the diagnosis and current treatment of an asbestos-related condition
  • service records showing probable asbestos exposure (see below)
  • a Nexus Letter from their physician connecting their condition to in-service asbestos exposure

The VA will consider a veteran to have probable asbestos exposure while in service if they worked in the following fields or with the following materials:

  • mining
  • milling
  • shipyards
  • demolition of old buildings
  • carpentry
  • construction
  • flooring
  • roofing
  • insulation
  • friction products (clutch facings and brake linings)
  • asbestos pipes
  • asbestos cement sheeting
  • military equipment containing asbestos

If none of the above applies, a veteran may still be able to claim asbestos exposure if they can provide sufficient evidence supporting probable in-service exposure. This evidence can come from the veteran’s service records, service medical records, and other official sources. Buddy letters from credible witnesses can provide additional testimony of exposure.

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Secondary Conditions of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Secondary conditions are conditions that are caused by another service-connected condition, like a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

All secondary conditions of TBI can be service-connected as long as they are clearly proven to be the direct result of the TBI. This burden of proof can sometimes be difficult, however, so the VA has made a list of 5 conditions that are automatically considered secondary to TBI if they meet the following criteria:

  1. Parkinson’s disease and Parkinsonism (which is rated analogously with Parkinson’s disease) qualify as long as they develop any time after a moderate or severe TBI.
  2. Seizures qualify after a moderate or severe TBI if they are not clearly caused by an outside factor, like too much insulin.
  3. Dementia (specifically Alzheimer’s diseasefrontotemporal dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies) qualifies if it develops within 15 years after a moderate or severe TBI.
  4. Depression qualifies if it develops within 3 years of moderate or severe TBI or within 12 months of mild TBI.
  5. Hormone deficiencies caused by damage to either the pituitary gland or the hypothalamus qualify if symptoms develop within 12 months of moderate or severe TBI.

If your secondary condition qualifies to be rated under TBI, it is rated on the TBI Rating System.

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