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DoD Disability Forms & VA Disability Forms


DoD Disability Forms
VA Disability Forms

DoD Disability Forms

The following are various DoD Disability forms that are used to apply for circumstances related to DoD Disability. The DoD only has a few things which are applied for directly, so there are not very many DoD Disability Forms. For exact details on how each is used, use the links provided in the form descriptions.

Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC)

DD Form 2860 – This form is used to apply for CRSC.


DD Form 149 – This form is used to appeal the DoD’s decision on disability ratings and on CRSC.

CRSC Form 12e – This form is used to appeal the Army’s decision on CRSC.

CRSC Reconsideration Navy– This form is used to contest the Navy or Marines’ decision on CRSC.

Physical Disability Board of Review (PDBR)

DD Form 294 – This form and VA Form 3288 are used to apply to the PDBR.

VA Form 3288 – This form and DD Form 294 are used to apply to the PDBR.

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VA Disability Forms

The following are various VA Disability forms that are used for basic VA Disability compensation and various additional disability-related benefits. This list does not necessarily include every form, but does include the VA Disability Forms that are most common. For exact details on how each is used, use the links provided in the form descriptions.

DoD Disability Forms and VA Disability Forms

VA Disability

VA Form 21-526EZ – This form is used to apply for VA Disability.

VA Form 21-0966 – Intent to File. This form is used to extend your 1-year deadline for submitting a VA Disability Claim.

VA Form 21-686c – This form is used to claim dependents when filing for VA Disability.

VA Form 21-674 – This form is used to claim dependents ages 18 to 23 for VA Disability.

VA Form 21P-509 – This form is used to claim dependent parents for VA Disability.

VA Form 21-0781 – This form is used in addition to VA Form 21-526EZ when claiming PTSD for VA Disability.

VA Form 21-0781a – This form is used instead of VA Form 21-0781 when the PTSD is caused by personal assault.

VA Form 10-5345 – This form is used to request of the release of health information from the VA.


VA Form 20-0995 – This form is used to apply for the Supplemental Claim Lane for VA Appeals.

VA Form 20-0996 – This form is used to apply for the Higher Level Review Lane for VA Appeals.

Declaration of Financial Hardship – This form is used to appeal to the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.

Notice of Appeal – This form is used to appeal to the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.

Additional VA Benefits

VA Form 21-8940 – This form is used along with VA Form 21-4192 to claim Unemployability for VA Disability.

VA Form 21-4192 – This form is used along with VA Form 21-8940 to claim Unemployability for VA Disability.

VA Form 26-4555 – This form is used to apply for the VA’s Specially Adapted Housing program.

VA Form 21-4502 – This form is used to apply for the VA’s Auto Allowance for specially adapted transportation.

VA Form 21-2680 – This form is used to apply for at-home Aid and Attendance.

VA Form 21-0779 – This form is used to apply for nursing home Aid and Attendance.

If the VA Disability form you need is not on the list, you can find a full library of VA Disability forms on the VA’s website.

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What are VA Disability Forms used for?

Every benefit the VA offers must be applied for by the veteran. The VA offers various VA Disability Forms so veterans can apply for all the VA Disability Benefits they deserve.

What are DoD Disability Forms used for?

The majority of DoD Disability benefits are not directly applied for, but are instead given as part of the medical separation process. There are a few things, however, like CRSC, the PDBR, and appeals, that require the submission of DoD Disability Forms by the service member.

Do I qualify for VA Disability?

If you have medical conditions that meet the requirements for service-connection, the VA will grant you VA Disability once you submit the necessary VA Disability Forms.

Do I apply for DoD Disability?

No. You cannot directly apply for DoD Disability, so the DoD does not provide DoD Disability Forms for the initial application. Instead, you must be referred to the MEB by your military physician.

Do I have to apply for VA Disability?

Yes. Veterans must apply for all VA benefits, so the VA offers various VA Disability Forms for each type of benefit.

Can I get a copy of my DoD Disability forms?

Yes. All of your DoD Disability proceedings, along with your DoD Disability Forms, should be a part of your Veterans Service Record which you can request from the National Archives or from your TAP office.

Do I qualify for Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC)?

You qualify for CRSC if your condition occurred in combat or combat-related activities, you are officially retired from the military, and have a 10% or higher rating from the VA. You must officially submit the DoD Disability Forms for CRSC in order to fully qualify.

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